Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Kazoos and Cake

May 27 1200 GMT 3846 3846N 3640W Wind SSW 20kts Seas 8ft Sunny COG 75T SOG 8.5kts

Here we go sailing down a following current in the Gulf Stream, adding half a knot to our Speed over Ground (SOG). If this wind and current stay, we will, after all, make Flores tomorrow afternoon. The chances are, though, that something will change!

Yesterday we celebrated Bob's birthday with Kazoos and with Ghirardelli Brownie Cake baked by Nancy. We also loaned him some special birthday attire and as long as he does not get hold of the camera and delete them, the pics will appear here soon!

All is well, and we are enjoying this favourable wind shift and ocean current.

John and Nancy, with Bob and Dave