Sun May 11 1025 2520N 6516W Wind +/-20kts ENE Seas 6 feet Sunny Sailing at 7kts under full jib staysail and single reef main COG 006T
We expect stuff to happen out here and so:
Our wind speed of +/-20kts is only an educated estimate because our little wind sensor - anemometer - at the top of the mast has gone on strike. Can't blame her really: she has been bounced around up there for almost three days: and something tells me (geometry, perhaps?) that a lurch of say a foot in the cabin is ten feet up there. And these lurches are refusing to go on strike.
We have been blown a bit to the left so we are missing Bermuda by about 40nm. We might still find it: if the wind shifts as forecast, clocking from E to SE to S and dropping down to 5 to 10kts; if the satellites stay up and working so our GPS units will tell us where we are (no Dad, we do not carry a sextant); and if we don't decide to go straight to the Azores. We will let you know.
All is well otherwise. We won't have a better three days' sailing than these last three - though it would be more comfortable if we were downwind and down wave.
ETA Bermuda Tuesday afternoon/eve and then will be quite Dark and fairly Stormy conditions aboard Adventuress.
John and Nancy, with Dave and Bob
Postscript: Same Day late afternoon: wind is clocking just right, and dropping: so we have almost all sail up and making a beeline for St George's at 7.5kts as the seas are calming. Dinner tonight will be Salmon with Shrimp in an Alfredo Vodka sauce - the Vodka will be fresh, but not the fish: we have been sailing too fast to catch fish!
Fantastic run as usual. Sorry to hear about the wind machine not working. I will check with Myles for another.